
Eco Game

Hello all, here's a little bit I was going to post on Friday, a bit of work I did at the zoo last week, just a little illustration for a board to describe the game 'Play your Eco Cards right' -think its similar to the original, only its a bit more educational. The cards show things like amount of carbon produced. The board is going to be put outside so that visitors are able to use it there (once it stops raining) so the design was laminated on sticky back and stuck to it.
That's all from me right now. Over and out :)


90th and 10th Birthday card

Smello all, here's the card for Paignton Zoo & Living Coasts Birthday I finished off today. The background bits and pieces were all made up in Illustrator then I Photoshopped the animal photos, taken by zoo volunteers to make the animals jump out of the box (though in reality I think the lion would have eaten the others.) Got a nice project today not dissimilar to my inspired by nature border a couple of weeks back, but this time to decorate a board for a game to educate about biodiversity and the impact of your Eco footprint. Will keep you updated :) Over and out.


Inspired by Nature Border

Evening all, Here's a little photo of my finished Inspired by Nature border as mentioned in previous posts, today I got some time to stick it all together after all the laminating and cutting. If i remember rightly it's about 12 A3 sheets all together so its bit a bit of a fiddly job but I'm glad it's all finally done and hopefully spruces up the board a little bit. So the idea is that you match the animal with the close up and the invention it inspired.
Today I also continued cutting out zoo animals from photographs in Photoshop in preparation to turn them into fact files in the new zoo branding. I also started work on a GIANT birthday card for Living Coasts/Paignton Zoo - (A bit like my previous Christmas cards) as the zoo is 90! and Living Coasts 10 years old.
Off on tiny long weekend break next week so expect to hear from me in 2 weeks! Over and out :)