
Spring Poem

Smello all, 
Spring Poem Illustration 15/2/13
Just a little post to show something I did last week, tried to bring it back home with me before now but my memory stick died on me. disappointing. So anyway, here's some illustration for the poem shown, all spring themed and lovely.The poem gets read out and stuck on the wall to children attending Monday Monkeys club at the zoo, the plan is that there will be a series of seasonal poems for them to access eventually.Over and out :)


Nature Border/ Living Coasts visit.

Inspired by Nature border I created last week to surround a big pin board to be used within education at the zoo. The title refers to pictures that are stuck on the board itself using velcro, matching animals with the invention/product they have inspired.The border is to make it more interactive and colourful for children.
I took A visit over to Living coasts today to see some of the projects I have been working on at the zoo up and displayed. Here's the Mangrove Jellyfish sign.

Penguin money chute.


Penguin Activity Station/ Penny Press Sign

Activity Station poster for Living Coasts, this is number 1 there are 10 in total and the poster gives school groups an indication of where they have to stop and do certain activities on the site.

Penny press sign, Just making the background a bit more interesting by adding some seaweed and coins. The original sign just had a plain background with the instructions and coin options shown.

Hello! Apologizes for the lack of posting recently, HAPPY NEW YEAR (and February) I hope to have some more interesting things to show you all soon including a nice illustrated border. Until then.. :)