
Mail pack concepts

© Katherine Barnett 2011

Final Leaflet concepts.

© Katherine Barnett 2011


Hello! Some work from december for you, the brief was basically designing a mail pack containing a sample bread roll to those registered and gluten intolerant. Here's the process i went through from start to end. I produced scamps and then work some of these up into finished layouts :)
Initial Brand analysis.

Sketches of box form concepts to contain sample roll leaflet and voucher.

Chosen net shape scamps.

© Katherine Barnett 2011



Bear pattern 28/12/11
Hello! Hope you all had a very merry christmas and ate too.much.food. Here's a very very quick test out of one of my christmas presents..i got a wacom bamboo pen tablet (and in the 10 minutes i have used it for i have concluded that it is very cool) I'm still getting used to where the pen is on the screen and things but looking forward to drawing lots of cute little patterns and testing it out to render some sketches. If i'm not on here again before new year then HAPPY NEW YEAR! to everyone.


Reindeer print.

Copyright © Katherine Barnett 2011
Christmas jumper? I think so.


Devon seascape

This afternoons creation, made in between looking for jobs again. I thought i'd do something Devon based. The circular thing in the corner is this massive balloon thing we have in Torquay which people can go up in.


Electric Razors

Marker renders + sketches of electric razors. In the process of editing my portfolio and continuing to apply for jobs. Over and out :)



I've been thinking about getting a DSLR or bridge camera for some time now and my camera broke last week, I think it's a key item I think I should have really, for taking photos of my work and just captiuring things out and about, I didn't really have the funds to invest in a proper SLR with the cost of adding lenses, so I bought a Fujifilm FinePix S2960 because it didn't seem to be too much more expensive than just replacing my little digital one outright. 

Turns out it looks like a pretty good buy, seems to have good quality macro, shoots film and has a setting which means the user doesn't have to pick the correct setting, the camera does it all for you so its good for beginners as well as having adjustable settings.

So here's a few photos!
Bird at Paignton Zoo
Torquay Sea Front
Hugging Baboon Family at Paignton Zoo



Rover, final model.

This is my final model showing my Rover dog care system in situ, the base is foam core board cut into a circle topped with fake grass, used for scale train sets. The blue sections (frames) are all laser cut, as are the columns,front plates, people, and dogs within each booth. The frames sandwich a section of car body repair mesh hot glue gunned in place, used within the service to allow airflow and separate each dog.

The back panels were also laser cut and painted and the Rover brand applied using vinyl, towards the end of my project i was a bit worried about the crispness of the model but, i think the vinyl really brought it all together nicely. The shade on each booth were made by just cutting canvas material to size and gluing across the edges of each frame welding wire was added to the end to form a handle for each.



Rover: Preventing the death of dogs in hot cars.

Here's a little bit more about the project i worked on this year, now university as pretty much finished (apart from actual graduation) My project this year, was 'Preventing the Death of Dogs in Hot Cars.' I addressed this using a combination of research, speaking to Dog owners, contact with the RSPCA, Dog wardens and other stakeholders who had involvement in the issue.

'Rover' was the conclusion of all my work: An outdoor dog care service, which would be run by RSPCA volunteers, ideally at outdoor events and locations identified by animal welfare charities to be problem areas. 
In order to prevent the problem, i concluded that the only way of guaranteeing dogs welfare is to remove the dog from the car, and to provide the animal with the things it needed and their owners thought was important to be kept happy and safe,water, shade a area to roam and most importantly somebody to keep an eye on the dog. 
In order to cover costs there would be a small charge to the owner.The main aim of the service was to encourage the removal of the dog from the car, and offer owners freedom providing a convenient alternative being at the location.

Things i have learnt(at Uni and during the project):

Always speak to REAL people they have the really good insights.(I say this because i have seen pictures off of google of strangers faces in people's projects.)
Always allow extra time for everything, start things early and back things up. (Because things always take longer than expected or go wrong or your USB corrupts and you lose everything...I think this happened to at least one person every project.)
i enjoy all areas of design, but I love illustrator..and sketching.
Rover in situ. Modeled in Rhino, rendered in VRay with some photoshop work.
Storyboard made in illustrator showing key steps of the user and service journey.


Make + Plan Show 2011

Had a fantastic evening at UWE on friday night for the opening of my graduate show. I spoke to lots of lovely and interesting people about my Rover project and lots of people thought it was a good project and that they would use it..which is nice! Also brought lots of nice reduced fabric swatches at the weekend so i can continue sewing things.
An overall view of the show in R block at UWE.

On opening night, me at my booth with my project.

My business cards for people to (hopefully) take away.



I haven't updated my blog for a little while now because i've been working on my individual project at university, i did my final presentation yesterday and the only thing that is definately left to go is the graduate show which opens the 10th of June at UWE. My project has been addressing the issue of the death of dogs in hot cars.

© Katherine Barnett 2011
Work in progress:Making the dog booths.

© Katherine Barnett 2011
After my final presentation.With my laser cut model.



© Katherine Barnett 2011
Finally got round to putting birdy up on here, i finished constructing a whale to add to the collection but he still needs eyes sewing on, so watch this space!



© Katherine Barnett 2011
So he was meant to be a giraffe, but turned out a little wonky and with a bit of a short neck so now he's a llama type creature.i sewed him from the inside out then had to find a space to stuff him, so his front isn't too neat :S i was initially going to give him a little wire frame body but he seems to stand up o.k by himself.